Hugo Huijer

Building valuable, trustworthy and helpful brands

Hey! I’m Hugo Huijer. I build internet projects using simple frameworks, smart solutions and a healthy dose of common sense.

I do a lot of things, but my main area of interest is creating scaleable content strategies that deliver results for you and your followers.

Which leads to results like these:

The thing about SEO, content marketing, email marketing and CRO is…

People like to make things complicated, whereas I like to keep things stupid simple. In the end, it’s all about helping people. Give them enough value, and they won’t bother if you ask them for something in return.

This is what I’ve been doing for years with one of my brands: Tracking Happiness. It has turned into a flagship brand with a lean team of writers, a well-oiled content machine and over 15,000 engaged email subscribers.

By providing good content and value upfront, people are more likely to turn into email subscribers. And once you’ve got this process working, you can scale it.

But a lot of people miss these crucial steps:

  • Build trust with your readers.
  • Create content that adds value.
  • Dare to be authentic and personal.
  • Don’t publish more of the same. Quality over quantity.
  • Make it look great.

Most people skip this because it’s hard and takes time. But in today’s online landscape, you can’t afford to aim for “good enough”.

This is where I get my energy: creating scaleable content strategies that deliver results for you and your followers.

About me

I love building digital brands. You will often find me deep inside a Google Spreadsheet (with Apps Scripts, of course!). Or you can see me applying the finishing touches on content before it goes live. Some of the brands I’m currently working on are Tracking Happiness and Endless Roadtrip.

Want to say hi? Use the icons below to connect with me!

How do you pronounce Huijer? It turns out you can’t! There’s no sound in the English language that resembles the “uij” part. To make things easier, you can say “Higher” or “Hew-yer”. Both are OK.